The Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research WSL

C1 Auberive

The intercommunal group for the management of Auberive’s forests

General information on the forests of the Auberive public forest. 

Forest community Mixed beech-oak-hornbeam forest, particularly rich in tree species (24 sp. in total)
Total forest area 16 500 ha, the SIGFRA represents 8030 ha
Main management type Uneven-aged continuous cover (20 years conversion from coppice-with-standards)
Total volume (2008) 176 m3/ha
Annual growth 4.2 m3/ha
Annual Use (volume harvested) 3.5 m3/ha
Altitude 300–500 m a.s.l.
Ownership Local communities
Geology and substrate Limestone and marls
Protected area (total) 123 ha special forest reserve (two reserves of 76 and 47 ha)
245 ha ‘ageing’ islands (85 ha set-asides, 160 ha ageing islands sensu stricto)
SAC 11 465.5 ha
SPA 11 528.2 ha
169 ha Special habitat protection
Nature protection area (Natura 2000) 410 ha
Protective function NA