Essentials of the book ¶
The Tour d’Europe brings us through different biogeographic regions, countries, cultures, and forest management traditions. As a consequence, the collection of good practice examples presents an interesting list of individual and regional-specific approaches to the question: How can biodiversity conservation be improved in managed forests across Europe? All authors of the good practice examples were asked to indicate which measures and tools are applied to promote biodiversity integration into forest management in their corresponding enterprises.
The silvicultural toolbox of integrated forest management ¶
The measures are synthesised into a silvicultural toolbox (see table below) and are grouped into biological/ecological management tools and socio-economic tools. The biological/ecological tools are further grouped into separate sections indicating the spatial focus of the measures: (1) Landscape scale tools, (2) Tree- and deadwood-related tools, and (3) Species-related tools. Although the presented good practice examples show an expected great variety of different measures and tools, a surprising degree of agreement on certain measures can be observed.

Finally, an overview on measures applied in the good practice examples (criteria table) was created. The overview on the measures and the silvicultural toolbox can be downloaded as PDF files by clicking on the links below.