Policy brief ¶
The book publication "How to balance forestry and biodiversity conservation? A view across Europe" was supported by the two national ministries FOEN and BMEL. The project was consequently developed and conducted in close collaboration with the Integrate Network representing an alliance of different European countries that promotes the integration of nature conservation into sustainable forest management at the policy, practice and research level. About 20 members have declared their common interest to promote the exchange of successful management practices and experiences amongst its partners. The challenges in forest management related to nature conservation are quite similar across Europe. The European Forest Institute (EFI) accompanies the process in its role as facilitator and scientific advisor.
As a summary with high relevance for policy, authors from different institutions have created a Policy brief containing the most important project conclusions with political relevance.
The current chair - Switzerland - of the Integrate network has stated a summary with the 9 crucial statements.