C20 Zvolen ¶
Multifunctional deciduous forests in a university forest enterprise of Slovakia ¶

General information on the forests of the University Forest Enterprise Zvolen.
Total forest area | 20 418 ha (all) |
9 716 ha (University Forest Enterprise) | irregular group shelterwood, group and single-tree selection systems |
Main management types | small-scale shelterwood system, irregular shelterwood system |
Total volume | 292 m³/ha |
Annual growth | 6.5 m³/ha |
Annual use | 5.4 m³/ha |
Deadwood | 9.2 m³/ha (standing – 2.8 m³/ha; lying – 6.4 m³/ha) |
Altitude | 250–1026 m a.s.l. |
Ownership | state forests |
Geology | andesite, pyroclastic parent rocks |
Protected area (total) | Nature reserves – 450.8 ha |
Nature protection area (Natura 2000) | 1329.53 ha |
Function of the forests | 80 % of the University Forest Enterprise has the status of special purpose forests, 14 % of protection forests, and 6 % are forests with production function |