The Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research WSL

C31 Black Forest National Park

Managing conflicting goals for protected areas

Basic information about the Black Forest National Park.

Total park area 10 062 ha
Management No management for resource extraction, except for species and habitat conservation, visitor safety and to protect neighbours – see the description of the zoning concept in the next section.
Total timber volume 281 m³/ha in the southern part (Ruhestein)
Annual growth Not relevant
Annual cutting rate 3500 m³/yr, until 2044 including the management and transition zone
Deadwood no data available yet
Ownership State forest and municipal forest (~470 ha)
Climate Average annual precipitation 2200 mm; average annual air temperature 4 to 7 °C (January -3 °C – July 13 °C)
Geology Bunter/red sandstone, with occurrences of granite and gneiss in lower valleys
Soils cambisol, podzol, and gley; often very acidic and low in nutrients
Protected area 100 % national park
Natura 2000 area Special Areas of Conservation (SAC; FFH in German) 2747.1 ha

Data in part from PricewaterhouseCoopers & ö:konzept (2013)