C31 Black Forest National Park ¶
Managing conflicting goals for protected areas ¶

Basic information about the Black Forest National Park.
Total park area | 10 062 ha |
Management | No management for resource extraction, except for species and habitat conservation, visitor safety and to protect neighbours – see the description of the zoning concept in the next section. |
Total timber volume | 281 m³/ha in the southern part (Ruhestein) |
Annual growth | Not relevant |
Annual cutting rate | 3500 m³/yr, until 2044 including the management and transition zone |
Deadwood | no data available yet |
Ownership | State forest and municipal forest (~470 ha) |
Climate | Average annual precipitation 2200 mm; average annual air temperature 4 to 7 °C (January -3 °C – July 13 °C) |
Geology | Bunter/red sandstone, with occurrences of granite and gneiss in lower valleys |
Soils | cambisol, podzol, and gley; often very acidic and low in nutrients |
Protected area | 100 % national park |
Natura 2000 area | Special Areas of Conservation (SAC; FFH in German) 2747.1 ha |
Data in part from PricewaterhouseCoopers & ö:konzept (2013)