C5 Kandern City Forest ¶
A traditional multifunctional community forest ¶

General information on the city forest of Kandern.
Forest community | Mixed mountain forests and beech / oak forests in the lower parts |
Total forest area | 887 ha |
Main management types | Selection cutting system/‘Femel-cuttings’ and small-scale gap clearcuts < 0.6 ha (oak management) |
Total volume | 371 m³/ha |
Annual growth | 8.7 m³/ha |
Annual use | 8.5 m³/ha |
Deadwood (standing and lying) | 18.2 m³/ha |
Altitude | 350–711 m |
Ownership | Community forest |
Geology | Black Forest bedrock (sandstone – on 200 ha); Rest ‘Markgräfler hills’ (clayish soil types – fine clay, little clay or marl soils) |
Nature protection area (including Natura 2000) | 295 ha |
Forests with protective function | 887 ha. The whole area has a protective function. Some parts of the forest have multiple protective functions (water and habitats) |
Climate protection service per year | 7.170 to CO2-equivalent by storage in the forest, in long-lived forest products and substitution effects |