C8 Nyon-St-Cergue ¶
A case from western Switzerland ¶

General information on the forests of Nyon-St-Cergue.
Forest community | Côte du Jura: mixed beech (Fagus sylvatica), and silver fir (Abies alba). Mountain forests: mixed Norway spruce (Picea abies), silver fir, and beech |
Total forest area | 1391 ha |
Main management types | Progressive shelterwood cutting (“coupe d’abri cuttings”) (Côte du Jura) and selection cutting system (mountain forests) |
Total volume | 250 m³/ha (Côte du Jura), 340 m³/ha (mountain forests) |
Annual growth | 6.2 m³/ha (Côte du Jura), 5.4 m³/ha (mountain forests) |
Annual use | 4.3 m³/ha (1977–2016: 3273 m³ by Nyon and 2650 m³ by St-Cergue) |
Deadwood (standing and lying) | 12–15 m³/ha |
Altitude | 600–1500 m |
Ownership | Community forest |
Geology | Hard limestone (Malm era), often outcropping with different karst forms (lapiez); marly limestone; Quaternary moraine on the Jura slopes |
Forest reserves | 70 ha (in progress) |
Old-growth islands | 32 ha (in progress) |
Habitat trees | 150 (in progress) |
Protective function | 43 ha |