C9 Hèches ¶
'Groupement Forestier des montagnes particulières de': a case from the mountains of southwestern France ¶

General information on the forests of the GF des montagnes particulières de Hèches.
Forest community | Mostly mixed beech-fir montane forest (Fagion sylvaticae and Luzulo-Fagion). Locally Tilio-Acerion ravine forests and Cephalantero-Fagion dry beech forest |
Total forest area | 930 ha (+272 ha of subalpine meadows) |
Main management type | Selective cutting system |
Total mean volume | Very wide range according to a wide array of soil conditions; from a few m3/ha (rocky soils) to more than 600 m3/ha (thick fertile soils) |
Annual growth | Very variable. More than 10 m3/ha for the most productive stands |
Deadwood | Wide range depending on local conditions and management intensity: from 9 to 60 m3/ha (diameter >10 cm) |
Altitude | 620–1900 m a.s.l. (forest: 620–1500 m) |
Ownership | Private forest; ‘Groupement Forestier’ status |
Geology | 23 different substrates. Four main categories: (i) hard nutrient-rich Mesozoic limestones and dolomites; (ii) soft nutrient-rich Mesozoic clayey limestones and marls; (iii) acidic nutrient-poor Palaeozoic shales, Mesozoic puddingstones (conglomerate), ophite, etc.; and (iv) very acidic and strongly nutrient-poor Palaeozoic quartzite and shales |
Protected area | 0 ha |
Nature protection area (Natura 2000) | 0 ha |
Protected area for the water spring of the community | 20 ha with specific constraints on management |
Area without harvesting | Roughly 200 ha (20 %) |